I Am Loved
"I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)
I thank God for His mercy God is not ashamed of me My past does not matter anymore It is dead. It is gone I have failed, but I am loved Nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ, my Lord My heavenly father is the God of the fresh start... The God of all comfort Things may look dark today, but help is on the way I don't have to live in defeat I have a future I am loved, valued, accepted, and forgiven forever I know God as love Love is my shepherd, I shall not lack Love saves me, embraces me, exalts me, heals me, and restores my soul Love forgives all my sins Love liberates me from all condemnation The prison door is open! I have peace and right standing with God I did not earn it, and I do not deserve it I am blessed because I am loved
Gary Marchinke