There is a widespread feeling in the Body of Christ that something is seriously wrong with the modern church. If you believe that mediocrity is Lord, you are probably satisfied with the status quo. But, if you honestly believe that Jesus is Lord, you may be seeking for something better than business-as-usual mediocrity. There is something better – a return to real early church Christianity!
The Ten Benefits of Attending a Christian Fellowship that Meets in a Home
1.Home Church is a return to the exclusive Headship of Christ. Center stage is reserved for Jesus, not the pastor. The Holy Spirit is the leader – not man. It never operates by the clergy. It never operates by the clique, for the clique. Home Church belongs to God alone; a Kingdom of functioning priests (all equal) who serve under the Headship of His Son.
2.Home Church promotes real spiritual growth because it eliminates the one-man show. Every believer has the opportunity to be an active participant. Every ministry is recognized and every gift is manifested, so every believer can be edified. Home Church is the fully functioning priesthood, not the church spectator sport which has produced passive and perpetually dependent spiritual infants.
3.Home Church is a return to authentic caring and sharing Book of Acts Christianity. It promotes real face-to-face fellowship and intimate family life and support, not the superficial, impersonal, institutional phony stuff.
4.Home Church is where every believer can receive real acceptance, honor, and encouragement.
5.Home Church promotes real unity. It never operates above, beyond, or independently of its individual members. It acknowledges the royal priesthood of all believers.
6.Home Church seeks to manifest the fullness of Christ. This occurs when all of His Body functions together as the active priesthood that God intended. It's about growing in Christ together. Not just showing up and playing church together.
7.Home Church acknowledges elders and overseers, but rejects all man-made church hierarchy. This includes the office of senior pastor, the clergy/laity division, paid clergy, ordination and denominations.
8.Home Church is about enjoying our freedom in Christ.
9.Home Church is dedicated to the welfare and care of the individual, not to the promotion of the Church. It just quietly and reverently promotes God's Kingdom.
10.Home Church is a return to scriptural simplicity; simple love and simple fellowship. The early church was the simple church. The early church was the glorious church. The early church was the Home Church.
What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification! 1 Corinthians 14:26
Recommended Reading
"Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola "Rethinking the Wineskin" by Frank Viola