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Prophetic Word

A Prophetic Word

"I am the Resurrection and the Life"
(John 11:25)

Behold, I am the Lord God Almighty. Is there anything too hard for me? I am the God of Miracles, Deliverance, and Healing.
I am the God who forgives you, restores you, and liberates you.
I am the God who loves you with an everlasting love.
Behold, I make all things new!

I resurrect all things...

I am the Resurrection
I am the Resurrection
I am the Resurrection

I'll resurrect your relationships!                         I'll resurrect your peace!
I'll resurrect your joy!                                               I'll resurrect your hope!
I'll resurrect your health!                                      I'll resurrect your career!
I'll resurrect your ministry!                                  I'll resurrect your finances!
I'll resurrect your plans!                                         I'll resurrect your dreams!

There's a new day coming says the Lord God Almighty.
Stand strong and refuse to lose. You don't have to go down.
You don't have to live in defeat. You don't have to give up.
You don't have to quit.
Arise and rejoice and stand strong and refuse to lose.

You have a future says the Lord God Almighty!

You have a future says the Lord God Almighty!

You have a future says the Lord God Almighty!

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